Its funny how you can tell what a baby's personality is going to be like from the womb.For example Taylor kicked me in the stomach all the time then she still kicks me now. No really, I can already tell that this little one is going to have a bigger appetite than Taylor-he or she is already more demanding than she ever was and more tolerant too.
I used to think that cravings weren't really real after my other pregnancy. But, I found out this time that isn't true.I have terrible cravings..worse than you can imagine. If someone mentions Chukie Cheese in front of me I crave pizza for several days. If there is a BBQ where I am at I have to have whatever meat they are serving. This little one is certainly a meat eater..sorry all you vegetarians.I even pass McDonalds and start craving chicken Sandwiches.i once craved Hamburgers with bacon and cheese for several days.Believe me these cravings are intense that one ended with me in tears.."I need a hamburger".
The cool thing is that I actually am able to eat meat and enjoy it. With Taylor meat just about made me lose it.So, no mom we are never becoming vegetarians ..ever.