Monday, March 28, 2011

Have a Cow!

Today we bought a 2 year old jersey cow. Her name is Tilly!We bought her from an organic dairy-I am really excited! I think that it is going to take a while to break us in on the milking, it has been a hard trail so far.One of the most exciting things is that she is bred and is due to have a baby in either we will have our own steer our another cow!

My husband is getting more adventurous-I love him-he really is amazing!

Click the link below to learn more about Jersey cows!

All about Jersey Cows

She is supposed to give us four gallons of milk a day.I am really looking forward to making my own cheese, butter, ice cream..and all things dairy. We are becoming regular dairy farmers now!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

See how baby Taylor has grown!


I know that I have very poor blogging habits. I will admit it. I only blog when I am in the mood -why is that?

I guess that is one of the great questions of life?

The Other question is are men less judgmental and more forgiving than women? I seem to pick friends easily and other people turn into people that I don't want to hang out with just as easily.My husband has the qualities that I mentioned above-maybe I should try to be more like him?

Any thoughts?