Saturday, November 12, 2011

Taylor and the Chocolate

My Nephews came home with a ton of haloween candy. Which we promptly stuck in a bowl on the dining room table mistake number one. That very day they had a sugar high-we needed to get rid of the candy as fast as possible.

That leads us to mistake number two the boy's mom and I took most of the chocolate and hid it in a secret spot known to me in the kitchen. We were planning to save it till later to make cookies with.
I sometimes like chocolate so knowing it was there was tempting and one day when I snatched a peice and Taylor saw me. Taylor loves to get into the cupboards and now somehow -no thanks to me-she knows what and where the chocolate is. I have to move the chocolate because now that my one year old knows where and what it is.If she sees me with any she thinks she deserves some.

I don't want her to eat sugar because it isn't good for her and I was really surprised how quickly she decided that chocolate was something she wanted.

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